Sandalwood is a proven relaxant, decreasing anxiety, calming the nervous system, and assisting with better quality sleep.
Perfect for creating a warm and relaxing environment. Used to relieve anxiety and mental tension, this scent is perfect for lifting your emotional wellbeing and creating a harmonious balance to your inner psyche.
This incense burner is perfect for burning all of your favorite powder, resin, and granular incense upon charcoal and cleaning up the mess after. 2 1/2” x 2 3/4”
Sandalwood with frankincense creates an ancient, fragrant avenue to meditation and serenity.
A fascinating and oriental mix of frankincense and myrrh, with layers of rich cedar and sandalwood, new lavender, basil, and clary savvy, finished off with citrus notes of orange and lemon.
This deep red resin has spiritual values of concentration, love, strength and virility and can bring former lovers together.
Rose incense also helps calm anxiety, and puts you on a path to harmony, peace, happiness, confidence and love.